Respecting an Abortion Secret

Respecting an Abortion Secret “I was wondering if you would help connect me with anyone that would be willing to share their abortion story and speak into the darkness about our hope in Jesus?” the writer asked. I quickly determined not to help this individual. Her...

10 Comforts When Family Members are Aborted

10 Comforts When Family Members are Aborted “My brother-in-law and his new girlfriend told me they were pregnant and were going to abort,” the woman wrote. “Over three weeks we talked about this choice before they finally determined to abort my niece or nephew. My...

Does God Approve of Abortion?

Does God Approve of Abortion? “I asked God to stop me if abortion was wrong. When He didn’t, I felt it was okay. Why didn’t He stop me, Sydna?” the post-abortive woman asked. Many faith-based hearts prayed before they aborted, asking for God to intervene if this...